Cold Therapy Transforms Lives

Confession time! I’m addicted to ice. Or, as Plunge would say, “Cold is My Medicine.” Every morning, and many afternoons, I jump in to 41 degree water for a minute. Crazy? Probably. But the more I do it, the more I think it’s crazy not to do it. Journey to Cold AF My buddy Nathan […]

Sleep Hacks For Founders

Four years ago today, a startling conversation with an investor started my journey to “get good at sleep.” Years of trial & error, research, and life logging led to the ideas summarized in this post. Implementing the habits and ideas outlined in this post have exponentially boosted my productivity and sense of well-being in life. […]

The Gap & The Gain: Must Read for Founders

Founders, as you know, founding is really f*ing hard. Especially the quiet psychological battles you’re forced to fight many days. If you’re looking to unlock the next-level you, I highly recommend The Gap & The Gain. Having read hundreds of books on entrepreneurship, performance, self-help etc., I would put The Gap & The Gain in […]

In God Coin We Trust

After revisiting Szabo’s The God Protocols for an upcoming project with my friend Nathan (who nicknames Bitcoin the God Coin), I couldn’t help but take a trip down memory lane. I grew up in pretty modest means early in life, which might be why money’s always fascinated me. Especially the mechanisms through which different governments […]

One Change Worth Keeping: Shared Spaces 😍

I’m inspired watching restauranteurs creatively adapt to the new world, and appreciate what their adaptation brings to the American streetscape. The flourishing of outdoor shared spaces re-imagine the balance of space for people, cars and buildings here in U.S streets. Shared spaces are one ingredient of the slow streets movement. Hopefully, the entire slow streets […]

An Open Letter to Gwynne Shotwell, Elon Musk and Starlink Leadership: Three Reasons to Make Starlink Open Access for America’s Local ISPs

For starters, you’ll make more money. This open letter originally appeared on Broadband Breakfast. Greetings Gwynne, Elon, and Team Starlink –  Thank you for working to connect folks. You’re launching the greatest leap forward in the internet’s 50 year history, and will recast the incumbent structure of U.S. telecom over the next few years. Today’s […]

Thank Your Local ISP

Your local ISP is the only thing keeping you and your community adequately connected to the global economy. And they do it with one metaphorical hand tied behind the back, while blindfolded and barefoot. Nonsense? Consider this: without competition from your local ISP, the incumbent provider whose slice of the telecom oligopoly’s territory covers your […]